How I Became a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer

I often get asked what got me into the Fitness industry, especially by individuals who know that I used to be an Elementary School Teacher (which you can read more about in my Biography). It may seem like quite a leap, but the way I see it, I was a teacher and still AM a teacher – many of the skills I used in the classroom I still use today! I have simply changed the focus of the content of what I teach, as well as the age of my audience.
As you know, life is an adventure, and despite the best laid plans, circumstances often change the trajectory of your life. I was married young and as luck would have it, the marriage began to fail after 10 years. Once we were separated, I did what many do at that point: I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize who was looking back at me. I had allowed the comfort of a relationship and the busy-ness of motherhood (3 kids) and my teaching career take over to such a degree that I had forgotten about my health and appearance.
So, I decided to find a gym and start attending. I was quite fearful, having NEVER stepped foot into a gym or fitness studio as an adult. Everything seemed overwhelming. The sheer number of machines (not to mention how to figure out how each one worked) and the people (most of whom were “built” and confident – two things I definitely was not!) almost made me turn around and walk out.
But I stuck it out. After several months of mucking about on my own and not noticing much change in my body, I decided to hire a Certified Personal Trainer. I appreciated his level of expertise and learning how to correctly perform many exercises. Things felt better in my body, now that I was armed with the knowledge of correct form and how to follow a fitness program.
I continued with the program for several more months and then switched gyms. This was the REAL beginning of my Personal Trainer career, as I fell in love with the gym’s Bootcamp. After almost a year of taking these high energy, upbeat, exciting, varied classes, I remember asking the instructor how I could teach some Bootcamp classes. She told me simply to become a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer. The thought had never entered my head before that day, and though I was sure I would never use my certification to write fitness programs for people or to teach them how to use gym equipment (in other words, to use the certification to actually personally train anyone) I was certainly willing to do it if it meant I could teach Bootcamps!
I immediately registered to take my Personal Fitness Trainer certification and did all the work inherent in such an endeavor. Thankfully, I have always been a good student, and ended up receiving 100% on my Practical Exam. It wasn’t too long after that I began teaching Bootcamps twice a week, and then 3 and 4! I was thrilled. Amazingly enough, so were the clients. So much so that they began asking me if I would train them. One-on-one personal trainer-style. Again the fear gripped me. What if they asked me something I didn’t know the answer to? What if my lack of experience got the better of me? What if I steered someone wrong or someone ended up getting injured? I realized that with EVERY career, there are questions and concerns, unknowns and uncertainties. I was being sought after and I have always loved learning and growing, so I took the bait and let myself be hired as a Certified Personal Trainer!
That was several years ago now and I am SO glad I overcame my fear and said yes. I have learned so much, had the privilege of seeing many lives transformed and made many new friends. I have been told that I am a great inspiration and terrific at what I do. I guess being voted as Kamloops’ #1 Best Certified Personal Trainer (as well as #1 Best Yoga Instructor) two years in a row (2020 and 2021) in the Kamloops This Week Reader’s Choice Awards is confirmation that I am doing what I was meant to do. So, now you know, should you have been wondering, how I ended up being a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer; I truly hope you are enjoying your career as much as this transformed, former school teacher is!
If you need some help starting your transformation into a more healthy life, I would be honoured to help! Learn about all the Personal Training Services I offer in Kamloops like one-on-one personal training or private yoga sessions.