Why You Should Book an Online Yoga Class with Me

Why You Should Book an Online Yoga Class with Me,

Many individuals today realize that doing yoga improves balance and stability, reduces stress, increases concentration, reduces the risk of injury along with a host of other good outcomes, but most have never taken a yoga class online. Why is that? More importantly, why should you take an online yoga class with me?

Here are six unique benefits of taking an online yoga class with Lorraine Korobanik Fitness. ☺

  1. You get to stay in the safety of your own home.

    CoVid 19 has changed the way we do just about everything, and enjoying our yoga classes is no exception. Even with vaccinations finally being distributed, many individuals still do not want to attend public or even private yoga classes due to the risk of being infected. It stands to reason, then, that enjoying my yoga instruction online is the perfect solution!

  2. You will receive one-on-one attention.

    Whether you are new to the world of yoga and require more attention or are an advanced yogi wanting a challenge or new inspiration, taking a one-on-one online class with me allows us the freedom to focus on whatever it is YOU are wanting/needing in the moment. You have the ability to co-construct the class if you wish – pausing if you need more time on one particular asana (pose),asking a question if you so desire, workshopping one or two particular asanas to get closer to mastery, etc.

  3. You can practice at the specific time you require.

    We can discuss your schedule and needs and find a mutually-beneficial time to practice together, rather than you having to show up at a public yoga class offered at the same time every day or week.

  4. You can remain perfectly comfortable.

    Nothing says comfort like your own home. Here you don’t have to worry about being self-conscious – not about your clothing, your mat or your level of expertise. New sights, sounds and smells won’t be bothersome to you and therefore, you will be able to concentrate more fully on your breath, your body, your needs and your development.

  5. You Will Develop a Deeper Connection

    Yoga is a powerful tool for connecting to the world around you as well as to the core of yourself. When you take an online yoga class with me, these connections are nurtured just as if you were taking a live in-studio or in-home class with me. I believe in the importance of being in and relishing the present moment, and therefore my teaching style invites you to deepen your understanding of yourself. Our one-on-one time allows you the freedom to pursue a deeper connection with whatever part of your practice you need most. Finally, OUR connection will develop through respect, trust and open communication.

  6. You get to pick the STYLE of yoga you want.

    I am equipped to teach a variety of styles of yoga, including Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Restorative, Stretch/Myofascial Release, and Yoga for Children & Youth.

Interacting with others will always be an integral need for all of us. If you are wanting to connect and grow your own personal yoga practice, yet in-studio classes don’t seem right for you at this time, then online yoga classes are the perfect solution. I offer you the support, freedom and flexibility you require and cannot wait to get started with you!