Why I Love Teaching at Kamloops Oxygen Yoga & Fitness

Why I Love Teaching at Kamloops Oxygen Yoga & Fitness,

I have taught Fitness and Yoga classes at Kamloops Oxygen Yoga & Fitness for over 4 years now. There have been many changes in that time, yet I’ve stayed because I truly love teaching at Oxygen Kamloops. If you haven’t made your way there yet, you may want to gift yourself a class or two to investigate the following claims for yourself!

First off, did you know that all the classes at Oxygen Yoga & Fitness occur in a room heated with far infrared heat? This type of heating system neither blows dry air nor humidity. Far infrared gently heats your tissues, causing your blood flow to increase, improving your circulation and assisting your ability to detoxify. In addition, this type of heat penetrates muscles, tissue and joints to relieve minor aches and pains while also speeding up recovery of injuries and chronic pain.

I began at Oxygen in 2017 as a client, and it took my body about a week to adjust to being so warm while I was exercising; however, I never once felt as though I was suffocating as I do when training or practicing yoga in ceramic heat. I look forward to entering Oxygen Kamloops’ studio, where my feet land on a warm, slightly padded floor and you are enveloped not only in warmth from the heating system, but also from the PEOPLE!

Yes, the people. Though there isn’t the opportunity to linger after class or gather in groups anymore (CoVid 19, of course) we are still blessed to be able to have 15 amazing humans together in the studio space. At one point, we had to stay six feet apart, and yet we persevered. We still smile and laugh and air-high-5 and enjoy one another’s company. And though you will likely find comradery at other gyms and studios, I know for certain that our non-competitive climate is quite unusual. We actively engage in lifting one another up and allowing for each person, regardless of age, ability or capability, to be themselves and not feel any pressure at all to perform a certain way or for a certain length of time. As a group fitness instructor who has taught at many facilities, I can attest to the fact that our cultural atmosphere at Oxygen Kamloops is neighbourly and non-threatening.       

Dina McLeod, owner of Kamloops’ Oxygen Yoga & Fitness for the last three years, poured her heart and soul into this amazing place. She has taken pains to ensure that each person who walks through the doors feels welcomed and supported. She promotes community over competition and her hard work and dedication is evident in the satisfaction of the clients. Dina will be handing over the reins of ownership in a few short weeks, but will remain on as manager and instructor, so you will get the chance to meet this amazing human when you come visit us!

Presently I am teaching a 10 am class on Mondays (Tone & Sculpt) and 10 am on Tuesdays (50/50…meaning it’s ½ fitness and ½ yoga). There are 30 other classes to check out with many other incredible instructors. Please wear your mask as far as your mat (which you also need to bring with you, along with a water bottle) and then feel free to take it off to exercise. I know you’re going to love your experience at Kamloops Oxygen Yoga & Fitness, as it is truly a wonderful place to be. (And remember, the schedule is always changing, so be sure to check out the Oxygen App or head to the website for the latest!)